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#108 CAA Registered Aviation Security Training Provider


Aviation security is an increasingly complex environment and we all play a part in protecting it from evolving threats.

'Plane Training’s mission is to provide lasting and valuable learning with training solutions that are assured by the UK CAA and subject matter experts.


We cover a wide range of aspects of aviation regulation and pride ourselves on ensuring that we provide the knowledge and understanding to develop the skills and confidence to implement security effectively.

Our Aviation Security Courses:

  • Help to ensure safety

  • Comply with regulations and the law

  • Provide the skill to support your teams and organizational security goals

  • Can open opportunities for further business

We are certified and quality assured by the DfT and CAA to deliver the highest

standard of aviation security training and support.

We have a team of industry recognised and experienced learning professionals

with the capability to deliver a range of security training courses, to clients all

around the world.



Aviation Security - Course Offering

AVIATION SECURITY - Individual Courses' aims

Air Crew

For those agents working in the Airline Industry needing mandatory training


Aims of this course - contact us for more detailed content information - Course provided by an industry partner

  • To ensure aircrew of UK registered qualifying aircraft have the relevant aviation security skills and knowledge to allow them to carry out their duties effectively.

  • To ensure that aircrew of UK registered qualifying aircraft understand the legal framework of aviation security and the current threat, and are aware of the wider security issues.


Includes Modules 1-8 according to requirements

Course's Length:

The Air Crew Aviation Security course is a

1 day classroom course



General Security Awareness Training

For everyone working in the airline/cargo/retail Industry needing mandatory training

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Aims of this course - contact us for more detailed content information

  • To ensure that all staff working in areas requiring general security awareness are aware of the security threat in their place of work.

  • To familiarise trainees with the nature of the threat to aviation and the basic security measures in place to counter that threat.

  • For trainees to understand the core objectives and organisation of aviation security.

  • For trainees to understand their role and responsibilities and the part they must play to contribute to aviation security

Course's Length:

The General Awareness Aviation Security course is a 2 hour classroom course 


Cargo Regulated Agent 

For those agents working in the Cargo Industry needing mandatory training

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Aims of this course - contact us for more detailed content information


  • To familiarise trainees with the nature of the threat to aviation and the basic security measures in place to counter that threat.

  • For trainees to understand their role and responsibilities in relation to the security of Cargo and Mail

  • To provide persons who screen air cargo and mail with the knowledge and skills needed to deliver effective screening.

  • To provide those supervising and managing persons carrying out screening or other applying security controls for air cargo or mail with the relevant knowledge and skills to provide effective security in accordance with the relevant legislation. 

Includes Modules 1-3 & 6-16 according to requirements

Course length:

The Regulated Agent  Aviation Security course duration is between 1/2 day - 2 days depending on modules required 

or check out our CBT courses available immediately.


Cargo Known Consignor

For those agents working in the Known Consignor Industry needing mandatory training


Aims of this course - contact us for more detailed content information

  • To ensure that all staff working in areas requiring general security awareness are aware of the security threat in their place of work.

  • To familiarise trainees with the nature of the threat to aviation and the basic security measures in place to counter that threat.

  • For trainees to understand the core objectives and organisation of aviation security.

  • For trainees to understand their role and responsibilities and the part they must play to contribute to aviation security

Course's Length:

The Known Consignor  Aviation Security course is a 1/2 day classroom course or check out our CBT courses available immediately.


Cargo Supervisor & Cargo Manager 

For those agents working in the Cargo Industry needing mandatory training

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Aims of this course - contact us for more detailed content information

  • Building on the previous Cargo courses, the Cargo Manager course will ensure that Security Managers working in organisations required to plan and implement a security program  become competent.

  • To provide trainees with the understanding of the nature of the threat to aviation to themselves and all staff engaged at any stage of the export of cargo.​

  • For trainees to understand their role and responsibilities and that they will be the point of contact for the DfT/CAA.

Level CS-CM

Includes Modules 20-21

Course's Length:

The Cargo Manager Aviation Security course is a 2 day classroom course


Aviation Security Manager - ASM - Recurrent 

For those Cargo Manager/Aviation Security Managers working in the Cargo Industry needing mandatory training

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Aims of this course - contact us for more detailed content information

To ensure that all Aviation Security Managers understand:

  • Their role and responsibilities in ensuring that a security programme and its implementation meet all legal provisions.

  • The legal framework of aviation security and the current threat, and are aware of the wider security issues.

Modules delivered - 6

Course's Length:

The ASM Recurrent course is a 1 day virtual or classroom course.


DNXCT - Digital National X-ray Competency Test

For those X-ray screeners needing to comply with EU and UK Regulations


Aims of this course - contact us for more detailed content information

‘Plane Training is authorised by the CAA and the Department for Transport to deliver the DNXCT. Legislation requires security screeners should only be allowed to operate x-ray equipment if they have passed a standardised test - called the DNXCT - before they are allowed to operate X-ray equipment.


The DNXCT is a computer-based test issued by the UK Department for Transport and is a standardised test of a person’s understanding and competency to conduct screening.

The DNXCT comprises three sections:

  • Familiarisation Section

  • Recognition of everyday items

  • Recognition of threat/prohibited items

We are able to test staff requiring the test in a methodical and efficient way at your premises. All screeners are required to re-take and pass the DNXCT every 13 months in order to continue to be certified to screen aviation baggage and cargo.

AirCrew Aims
RA Aims
KC Aims
ASM Aims
CM Aims
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Our Cargo Course are designed and run in partnership with Gatehouse Consultancy and Training

AVIATION SECURITY -  Classroom Training 

Aviation Security - Schedule Classroom
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Aircrew Aviation Security Training - Cabin & Flight Deck
course provided by industry partner

Classroom price per Delegate (max 15 delegates)


Please contact us for dates and availability

Classroom training at our Centre:

 In-house course rate for training delivered at your premises

£685 per day +VAT and expenses

To find out more or book please click on the BOOK NOW button to send a message.

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General Awareness Security Training - GSAT

Classroom price per Delegate (max 15 delegates)

From £25

Please contact us for dates and availability

Classroom training at our Centre:

 In-house course rate for training delivered at your premises

£350 per course +VAT and expenses

To find out more or book please click on the BOOK NOW button to send a message.

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Regulated Agent - Non Screening/Screening Security Controls Initial & Refresher Courses Aviation Security Training (Previously CO - Cargo Operative)

Classroom price per Delegate (max 15 delegates)


Please contact us for dates and availability

Classroom training at our Centre:
Non- Screener/Screener on request

 In-house course rate for training delivered at your premises

£495  per course/£685 per day (more than one course) +VAT and expenses

To find out more or book please click on the BOOK NOW button to send a message.

Known Consignor Cargo Aviation Security Training

Classroom price per Delegate (max 15 delegates)


Please contact us for dates and availability

Classroom training at our Centre:

 In-house course rate for training delivered at your premises

£485  per course/£685 per day (more than one course) +VAT and expenses

To find out more or book please click on the BOOK NOW button to send a message.

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Cargo Manager Aviation Security Training

Classroom price per Delegate (max 15 delegates)

£410 (for a two day course

Please contact us for dates and availability

Classroom training at our Centre:

 In-house course rate for training delivered at your premises

£685 per day+VAT and expenses

(Two day course)

To find out more or book please click on the BOOK NOW button to send a message.

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 Aviation Security Manager Recurrent Training

Classroom price per Delegate (max 10/min 4 delegates)

£395 (one day course)

Please contact us for dates and availability

Classroom training at our Centre:

 In-house course rate for training delivered at your premises

£685 per day+VAT and expenses

(Two day course)

To find out more or book please click on the BOOK NOW button to send a message.

DNXCT - Digital National X-ray Competency Test

Classroom price per Delegate (max 10 delegates)

£60 per person

Please contact us for dates and availability

Classroom training at our Centre:

 In-house course rate for training delivered at your premises

£60 per delegate + VAT and expenses

(minimum numbers may apply)

To find out more or book please click on the BOOK NOW button to send a message.

AirCrew Classroom
GSAT Classroom
RA Classroom
KC Classroom
Other Aviation Security

AVIATION SECURITY - CBT - Computer Based Training New Syllabus

Aviation Security Schedule - CBT
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Applying Non Screening Security Controls Initial & Refresher Courses
(Previously CO - Cargo Operative)
Regulated Agent CBT Course

To find out more or book please click on the BOOK NOW button to send a message.

This course is recommended for delegates working in the warehouse and handling secure cargo - not screening. Drivers handling cargo and carrying out  warehouse tasks should also attend this course. This course has been designed from the relevant mandatory Modules 1-3 & 6-9A  of the ‘Regulated Agent’ training syllabus.

Initial Cargo & Mail Regulated Agent Non Screener Course

CBT Modules

1-3 & 6-9A


£85 +VAT

An initial course is approx. 4 hours of interactive computer based training course content comprising the access to cargo & mail and applying non-screening security control modules (previously CASP and CO). It includes an end of module summative assessment. Successful candidates will receive a certificate upon completion of this course . 

This course is compliant with CAA/DfT Regulations therefore please note that a mandatory delegate declaration is necessary prior to attending. Please read below.

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KC -  Known Consignor CBT Courses

To find out more or book please click on the BOOK NOW button to send a message.

This course is recommended for delegates working for a Known Consignor having access to air cargo.

The KC course has been designed against the 2023 syllabus Covering Modules 1-9  of the ‘Known Consignor’ training syllabus as required. 

Module 10  The CSC

Module 11 The responsible person 

are also available on request 


CBT Modules



This is a 3 hour Computer Based Training course and includes an end of module summative assessment.

Successful candidates will receive an overall certificate upon completion of this course. 

Additional training is available for supervisor/responsible person: up to Module 10 £75+VAT up to Module 11 £90+VAT. This course is compliant with CAA/DfT Regulations therefore please note that a mandatory delegate declaration is necessary prior to attending. Please read below.

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GSAT - General Security Awareness Training

To find out more or book please click on the BOOK NOW button to send a message.

This course is recommended for delegates working for a company requiring them to be able to go airside.

Legislation states that all airport staff in the UK requiring an airside staff pass must first complete a GSAT - General Security Awareness Training course. 

GSAT- General Awareness Security Training 

CBT Course

 £30 +VAT

This course will be a  1-2 hours Computer Based Training and includes an end of module summative assessment.

Successful candidates will receive an overall certificate upon completion of this course. 

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Security Culture & Insider Threat Training

To find out more or book please click on the BOOK NOW button to send a message.

To ensure that all staff have initial security awareness, including Security Culture and Insider Threat training relevant to the aviation environment.
For trainees to understand what their role is in Company Security

Security Culture & Insider Threat Training 

CBT Course

 £25 +VAT

This course will be a  1-2 hours Computer Based Training. Candidates who complete the course will receive an overall certificate upon completion of this course. 


#108 CAA Registered Aviation Security Training Provider



Who can attend Aviation Security Courses

AVIATION SECURITY - Virtual Classroom Training/Webinars

Aviation Security Virtual Classrom
Air Crew AvSec
Known Consignor

Since June 2020 the CAA has enabled Aviation Security providers to train delegates both face to face and remotely. 


This welcomed and innovative way of delivering training is possible through Video Conferencing/Webinar - where the trainer and students can work remotely provided they have access to:


  • Hardware (PC, Laptop, Tablet) with microphone and video

  • Internet

We are delighted to be able to offer through Webinar - Virtual Classroom - sessions for the following courses:

  • GSAT 

  • Access to Secure Cargo & Mail/Non-Screener - Regulated Agent Initial/Refresher

  • Cargo Manager Refresher

  • Known Consignor Initial/Refresher

  • AirCrew Refresher

  • ASM Refresher

Click here to send an information request on how we can help with Virtual Classroom training.


Prices start as little as £35+VAT per delegate - Min number of delegates required.

Virtual Training
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